Fee: State laws require a fee to be collected for every new motor vehicle tire sold which varies from state to state. These fees are collected and used by the states to oversee the management of waste tires, including cleaning up abandoned waste tire piles and preventing illegal dumping of waste tires.

Tire Disposal Charges: Tire disposal charges are separate from tire fees. These charges include EPA-approved collection, transportation, storage and disposal of old scrap tires removed from service. Many of these tires are turned into rubber landscaping mulch or used in recycled flooring materials and other useful products.

Tire Disposal: Certain states require retailers to accept a waste tire, if offered, for each new motor vehicle tire sold. If you keep your waste tire, it is your responsibility to appropriately manage the tire and dispose of or recycle it properly, as required by your state. Recycle your waste tires. Do not put waste tires in the trash. Proper disposal or recycling may require taking the tire to one of the following sites: (1) permitted landfill; (2) an incinerator or other facility for use as a fuel; (3) a transporter, processor, or properly registered waste tire end use market.

Shop Fees: Shop fees collected by this repair facility represent a small fraction of the cost of supplies and materials used in each vehicle in such small quantities that they are impractical to measure. These items include lubricants, penetrates, solvents, small nuts, bolts, washers, clamps, and adhesives. Shop fees are 12% of parts and labor, not including tires, up to $94.17, which are among the lowest in the industry.

Cost Estimate: If the expected cost of a repair service is more than $50, you have the right to receive a written estimate, oral estimate, or you can choose to receive no estimate before we begin work. Your bill will not be higher than the estimate by more than 10% unless you approve a larger amount before repairs are finished. Some states require us to give you a form so that you can choose either a written, oral, or no estimate.

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